Mount Prospect Lions Club Is All About Community
Throughout its long history, the Lions Club has raised money through our community events to benefit individuals and organizations in and around Mount Prospect. Some of our charitable initiatives include:
- Donating funds to stock the Village’s food pantry for the needy
- Sending blind, deaf and special needs individuals to Camp Lions
- Financing eye examinations and glasses for needy people
- Awarding college scholarships to deserving high school seniors
- Promoting reading by giving away children’s books at community events
- Donated the farmland to the Park District, that was developed into Lions Park
- Purchased the pavilion for the Edwin and Elsie (Meyn) Busse Pocket Park
- Purchased bicycles for the Police Department’s bicycle patrol
- Sponsored historical building restorations done by the Historical Society

2024-2025 Board Members
President: William Grossi
1st Vice President: Jill Friedrichs
2nd Vice President: William Wille
3rd Vice President: Mike Fahey
Secretary: Jasmine Konkin
Treasurer: Jessica Putra
Lion Tamer: Liz Gain
Lion Tamer: Les Durov
Lion Tail Twister: Rock Bork
Lion Tail Twister: Michael Zadel
Charities Inc. Liaison: Ed Murphy
Membership Chairman: Brian LeBeau
Membership Vice-Chairman: Dutch DeGroot
Membership Committee: Chris Stelnicki
2–Year Director: Steve Polit
2–Year Director: Mari Otto
Holdover Director: Ric Dieschbourg
Holdover Director: Fred Steinmiller
Past President: Vince Dante