Category: Uncategorized
Mount Prospect Lions Club makes the rounds to present annual high school scholarships
Mount Prospect, IL, July 19, 2022 – In lieu of being able to publicly present its annual high school scholarship program, members of the Mount Prospect Lions Club personally visited four recipients headed to college next month to award a total of $10,000. This is the third year in which the Lions Club has bestowed…
Easter Egg Hunt For Visually Impaired Children
Mount Prospect, IL, May 11, 2022 – The Mount Prospect Lions Club teamed up with retired employees from the former Teletype Telephone Pioneers of America group on Saturday, April 23. Approximately ten families gathered at the NSSEO Timber Ridge School in Arlington Heights, IL, for an Easter egg hunt for visually impaired children. Telephone Pioneers are…
Time running out for College Scholarships from Mount Prospect Lions Club
Amount to be bestowed increased to $10,000 Mount Prospect, IL, April 19, 2022 – High school seniors seeking financial support to attend college still have a short window of opportunity to apply for a scholarship from the Mount Prospect Lions Club. This year, the Lions Club will be awarding a total of $10,000 to four…